
  • 30.05.24 Stadt-Land-Fluss Festival Windeck

    Auf dem Stadt-Land-Fluss-Festival kannst du an diesem Tag in Windeck-Werfen beim Hula Hoop mitmachen oder dich für einen TanzSpaziergang anmelden. Das Festival orientiert sich an dem Konzept der Kulturellen Landpartie im Wendland und findet im schönen Windecker Ländchen statt - nur eine Stunde von Köln entfernt. 

    Komm in meine Heimat und verbringe einen Tag mit viel Kultur in der Natur!

    Weitere Infos folgen bald!

  • Slowdance Sundowner









    This event is open to blues, contact improv, fusion and couple dancers as well as dance enthusiasts of all levels. After a blues dance class, there will be an opportunity for free practice. Everyone who wants to be moved by the blues is welcome.

    In togetherness, an intuitive physical dialog is created that respects the individuality of both people. Blues leaves plenty of room for emotionality, sensuality and physical expression. As an Afro-American dance, it emphasizes improvisation and offers an intensive connection between music, soul, body and fellow dancers. Let us connect!

    With your participation you agree to the framework of my couple dance concept (see INFO ON MY COUPLE DANCE CONCEPT).


    On a donation basis.


    Cologne, 6 pm - 10 pm

    Venue to be announced

  • DanceWalks


    30.5.24 Stadt-Land-Fluss Festival Windeck

    30.6.24 Kölner Stadtwald

    29.9.24 Windeck Herchen

    20.10.24 Kölner Stadtwald

    03.11.24 Kölner Stadtwald

    In diesem Tanzkurs in Form eines TanzSpaziergangs kannst du das, was wir als "gehen" im Alltag nicht weiter beachten, bewusst erfahren und erforschen. Entspanne und mobilisiere deinen Körper in der Natur und tauche unter Anleitung ein in intuitiven und improvisativen Tanz!

    Nach einem Warm-Up tanzen wir in Etappen durch den Park. Ich gebe Bewegungsimpulse rein, aber du kannst auch ganz frei spaziertanzen - ganz nach dem Motto "tue, was dir gut tut".

    Dabei gibt es kein richtig oder falsch. Ich lade dich ein auf ein kreatives und harmonisches Spiel mit deiner individuellen Anatomie und deinen aktuellen Fähigkeiten. Dabei widmen wir uns auch unserem Atem und finden in Achtsamkeits- und Wahrnehmungsübungen Entspannung.


    Wir sind ca. 1,5 Stunden unterwegs in der Natur. Kleide dich dem Wetter entsprechend und nimm evtl. einen Rucksack mit: Wenn dir warm wird, kannst du die Sachen verstauen. 

    Ich empfehle dünne Schuhsohlen zur achtsamen Wahrnehmung des Bodens.


    Auf Spendenbasis.


    14 - 16 Uhr 

    ACHTUNG: Wir gehen pünktlich los! 

    Den genauen Startpunkt gibt es nach der Anmeldung. Die Veranstaltung ist witterungsabhängig. Bitte schaue am Veranstaltungstag nochmal bis 11 Uhr vormittags in deine Mails! 

  • 03.-06.10.24 Blues.Dance.Retreat.

    Im Herbst findet das erste Tanz-Retreat von TanzBildung statt! In einer Gruppe von 20 Personen kannst du dich entspannen und eine intensive Verbindung mit dir und im zweisamen Bluestanz genießen.

    Mehr Infos

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About me and my concept

My name is Friederike Reif and I love using dance to connect with those around me. The connection to body and soul, music and fellow dancers is the focus of my work. As a social worker, dance teacher and dance researcher, I work with practices from body and dance therapy, as well as dance education. On this basis, I have developed an innovative dance concept and launched TanzBildung.

In my offerings you can learn different techniques and movement qualities and find your own style:

Be it solo in the Playshop concept, outdoor dancing, or in my couple dance concept dance for two. Nothing is about "right or wrong" but about the body, emotions and creativity in motion. Musically, we dance with blues and swing music over the Balkans to the Caribbean.

I offer you lessons and body experiences in which you can develop further based on your current dance level, your needs and possibilities. Conditional restrictions (e.g. due to long Covid or Me/CFS) are also taken into account in my offer concept. In my lessons, my seminars and my blog I also integrate findings from my dance science research - from couple dancing to dance history and body therapy.

Learn more:

FAQ: What would you like to know?

  • Do I need a dance partner?

    In general, it is not necessary to bring a fixed dance partner. The courses are structured so that you can dance with other participants and you will switch over again and again over the course of the lesson. I do this because it increases the learning effect, reduces fears and intensifies social connections.

  • Do I need previous dance experience?

    Almost all of my offerings are possible without any prior knowledge. My open teaching style always offers movement impulses with variations, which means you can try out what you are capable of without any pressure to perform.

  • Are the offers also available as in-house events?

    All of my offers can also be booked in-house. Please contact me if you would like to book me for team training, team building, a workshop weekend or something similar. I would be happy to put together a tailor-made program according to your budget.

  • Which dances can I learn?

    The focus of my offering is on experiences that intensify and improve dance skills: rhythm, creativity, the ability to express and improvise, the connection to yourself and others, and the development of your own style. Therefore, no specific dances or choreographies are learned.

Event regulations

  • Gentlehuman's Code of Conduct

    With TanzBildung I always strive to offer you a safe space to expand your comfort zone and boundaries and to experience sensual and intimate dance encounters. In order to enable these experiences in a safe environment, I ask all participants to behave carefully and respectfully at my events. My Gentlemen's Code of Conduct stands for polite, respectful and gallant behavior towards yourself and others:

  • Privacy Policy

    I would like to be able to share photos and videos from my TanzBildung events with the dance community. Of course, I do my best to show everyone at their best (you can contact me at any time if you want a picture or video removed!). I want to show the positive effect of my events and that is reflected in my choice of media. This is also to your advantage: you and everyone else will get beautiful memories of all the people you danced with. By registering, you agree to the following:

  • General provisions

    Text follows.

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